Allstyle Aluminium
From bi-folding doors to commercial shop fronts, a full range of Smart Aluminium windows, doors, and more!

The most authentic heritage Flush Sash uPVC Window System. Ideal for period or historic projects and accepted in conservation areas.

Affordable Windows
Affordable are one of the UK's largest manufacturers of Aluminium & uPVC glazing systems from the industry's leading brands.
Welcome to Affordable Windows Group!
Looking for something in particular? We manufacture a range of products in both aluminium and uPVC. Learn more about each of our brands by visiting their dedicated websites, available by clicking one of the logos above.
Simply complete the relevant form from below and then email/fax it to us:
Fax AFFORDABLE on (01253) 882280 or email sales@a-w-s.co.uk
Fax 21st CENTURY on (01253) 895588 or email orders@21stcenturywindows.co.uk
PVCu Products
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